Humane Effective Affordable

For over 2 decades, Geese Chasers™ has successfully helped its commercial, residential, state, city and municipal clients get rid of geese with humane geese removal services. We look forward to putting our expertise to work to provide you an effective resolution for your Canada Geese problems. Serving the Central Ohio area surrounding Columbus in the counties of Athens, Champaign, Clark, Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Hocking, Knox, Licking, Logan, Madison, Marion, Morrow, Muskingum, Perry, Pickaway, Ross, Union, we do whatever it takes to get the job done while providing the unparalleled customer service in the industry. We have professionally trained dog handlers that clear our customer’s properties every day. Your property will be serviced 7 days a week, multiple times per day to assure that the geese don’t get comfortable onsite.

It ideally takes anywhere from 4-12 weeks to clear the initial flock properly. After that depending on whether your property needs it – we will move into the daily maintenance phase. Our dog handlers will regularly monitor your property every day as well as being ON-CALL to make sure your property stays clean and geese free.

Every property has its own set of specific problems and therefore will have its own outcome. Some properties clear out in a month Read More…

Contact us today to learn how we can help you get rid of geese within a short period. Our professionals never ever harm the geese, their intimidating power to handle the geese is enough to move them into a new home.

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Areas Serviced

We proudly serve the Central Ohio area surrounding Columbus in the counties of Athens, Champaign, Clark, Delaware, Fairfield, Fayette, Franklin, Hocking, Knox, Licking, Logan, Madison, Marion, Morrow, Muskingum, Perry, Pickaway, Ross, and Union.

When you hire Geese Chasers you hire a team that loves our job, our dogs, and most importantly our customers! We’re here to serve you in any way we can.

Our Solution

There are a handful of methods currently used by organizations suffering from “resident Canada Goose” populations. Only one has proven to be successful. Many have tried scarecrows, flags, mylar tape and balloons. Others have tried pop guns, noise makers, fencing, and sound machines. Some have even applied chemicals to the turf. None of these provide an effective, natural and long-lasting solution. Only the use of highly trained handlers and Border Collies will control your Canada Goose problem year-round.

Looking for Geese Chasers?

We offer a wide range of plans to meet the unique aspects of your property and the way your property is used by visitors, residents, members or clients.

Interested in learning more about “Your Solution to Goose Pollution?”

Contact us below to rid your residential or commercial property from the nuisance of Canada Goose.

833-644-3373 (833-OH-GEESE).

Request for a free quate


Commercial property managers responsible for dealing with "resident Canada Goose" populations may have tried scarecrows, flags, mylar tape and balloons But only the use of highly trained handlers and Border Collies will control your Canada Goose problem year-round. 

Private and community golf course property managers are increasingly hearing the complaints of valued members: no more goose poop!. Groundskeepers have tried pop guns, noise makers, fencing, and sound machines. Some have even applied chemicals to the turf. None of these provide an effective, natural and long-lasting solution. Only the use of highly trained handlers and Border Collies will put the ball back on course. 

Common areas at apartments, condos, and private communities have seen the use of scarecrows, flags, mylar tape and balloons or fencing to address the resident Canada Goose problem. Only the use of highly trained handlers and Border Collies will control your Canada Goose problem year-round. 

Schools, parks, and public spaces have grown overrun with residential Canada Goose. Taxpayers, students and visitors needn't be disgusted when using public space. Don't rely on scarecrows, flags, mylar tape, balloons, pop guns, noise makers, fencing, or sound machines. Ask us about our highly trained handlers and Border Collies to control your Canada Goose problem year-round. 

“The most effective way to scare geese away is with trained goose-herding dogs. Herding dogs convince geese they are not safe from predators. This should only be done by specially trained dogs working with a handler.”
– The Humane Society of the United States

Geese Chasers™ Case Study

Geese Chasers™ Case Study
Geese cleared over 11-week program

Initial Clearing

Initial Clearing Program: designed to make the quickest and most effective impression on the resident Canada Geese on your
property. With our professionally trained dog handlers onsite seven days a week, harassing the Canada Geese multiple times a day – the birds will get the picture that your property is no longer safe and to clear out!

Length 4-12 weeks
Clearings Multiple daily visits, as needed
Sign up


Maintenance Program: once we have your property under control and have cleared the initial flock of residential Canada Geese. Our continued daily harassment discourages other “Residential/Migratory” Canada Geese from taking up permanent residence on your property and indefinitely dissuades them from returning as their first experience onsite is being chased away by one of our highly trained border collies.

Length Ongoing
Clearings Daily visits, as often as needed
Sign up

On Call

On Call Program allows you to call/text Geese Chasers when you feel your property needs a clearing. These calls can be made between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM. If EARLIER or LATER times are needed: please call or email us the details of WHEN/WHERE you are seeing your unwanted feathery friends. Our regional manager will then change our dog handler’s routes accordingly UNTIL those Canada Geese stop coming at that time.

Length Ongoing
Clearings Within 60 minutes of your call
Sign up

Night Runs

IF/WHEN one of our professionally trained dog handlers identifies roosting piles onsite we will schedule “night runs” to chase any geese off of the property that are onsite after dark. These roosting piles look like piles of dog crap. This is because when the Canada Geese sleep they defecate, which creates these piles of unwanted geese droppings on your property.

Length Ongoing
Clearings Scheduled by regional managers or requested by clients who see geese “after hours”
Sign up

In The News

Find out what local and national coverage have to say about our reliable geese clearing solution.

Get in Touch with us in NORTHEASTERN OHIO

Interested in learning more about “Your Solution to Goose Pollution?” Contact us below to rid your residential or commercial property from the nuisance of Canada Goose.


Call now at 833-644-3373 (833-OH-GEESE) to speak with one of our representatives!

    Egg Addling/Egg Removal Mating & Nesting Season is MARCH - JUNE

    IF/WHEN you OR one of our professionally trained dog handlers spot a Canada Goose nest we will file for an Egg Addling Permit from the DEC, addle the eggs, wait for the parent geese to abandon the nest (as the eggs will slowly pass on their own after being addled) and destroy the nest so the parents don’t return and attempt to lay more eggs. This is the most HUMANE way of destroying a Canada Goose nest.

    For high traffic areas like a school or office building, where the parent geese are hissing and chasing people which increases the probability of someone being injured. Another method approved by the USDA includes: removing the eggs; burying the eggs; and destroying the nest. This method tends to have faster results given the parent geese no longer have any eggs to sit on.


    It is important to destroy the eggs as soon as possible as the gestation period for Canada Geese eggs is only 28 days. We do our best to addle them/remove them within the first 7-10 days of being laid. That way it’s still a yolk and not a prematurely developed bird.

    This process is something that we as “Geese Chasers” don’t enjoy doing but accept as part of our job. Doing this helps control local Canada Geese populations in a humane manner. We LOVE the Canada Geese, if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be here. We do our best to be as respectful as possible to the Canada Geese while also fulfilling our duty to our clients: to provide a clean, geese free environment.

    *** IF you have a nest on site or pair(s) of Canada Geese – DON’T WAIT – CALL NOW! ***

    IF YOU HAVE A NEST THAT HATCHES – You are stuck with them until they can FLY! It is ILLEGAL to HARM goslings (baby geese) or REMOVE families of Canada Geese. They will be onsite for 70-90 days until the GOSLINGS grow their first set of flight feathers and the family flies away TOGETHER on their own.

    Please note – The Canada Geese who unfortunately have their nests destroyed during this season will move on to find a safer place to nest again and raise their young. Most cases it happens within the same nesting season as they can mate and lay eggs from March to the end of June!

    Fun Fact – Canada Geese are monogamous, they mate for life and live upwards of 35 years. They are habitual nesters so once they reach sexual maturity, find a safe place to nest and are successful in raising their young. They will return to the exact same place EVERY year to nest again.Click image to view USDA PDF document

    For more information on these methods please download this informative USDA document.